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Sangue Inc.’s Personal Information Policy

  1. Protection of personal information

    Sangue Inc. (hereafter referred to as Sangue) is fully aware that providing appropriate protection for the personal information of its customers is an extremely important responsibility. In order to fulfill this responsibility, personal information is handled in accordance with the principles outlined below.

    1. As well as strictly adhering to laws and other regulations related to the protection of personal information that are applied to personal information, Sangue will handle such information appropriately. Sangue will also continuously review and improve its compliance program.
    2. Sangue will handle personal information in a lawful and impartial manner.
    3. When acquiring personal information, Sangue will provide notifications and public announcements specifying the purposes of the use of such information, and will restrict its use of the information to the specified purposes.
    4. In the handling of personal information Sangue will adopt all necessary measures to prevent disclosure, unlawful access, modification and loss etc. of such information.
    5. With regard to the personal information it possesses, Sangue will accept, through designated means, requests from individuals for the release, modification or suspension of use of that individual’s personal information, and will act upon such requests in good faith.
  2. Purposes of use

    Personal information provided by individuals, or obtained through other means, will be used only for the purposes listed below, or purposes that have been previously specified. Unless the law provides for exceptions, Sangue will obtain the permission of the individual concerned in advance before making use of personal information for purposes not included in the specified purposes. Sangue will not make use of personal information for any purpose not included in the stated purposes of use without the consent of the concerned individual.

    1. Provision of information relating to discounts, special offers and campaigns.
    2. Use as source material for the development of business operations.
    3. Provision of services and confirmation of registration for member services.
    4. Provision of apologies and improvement of service in response to complaints from customers.
    5. Sending of gifts.
    6. Contacting customers who are waiting and confirming their position in the waiting list.
    7. Contacting and confirming customers.
    8. Recruiting members for the Franchisees Association of Japan and sending out information related to the association.
    9. Management of chain stores.
    10. To maintain business communications and allow smooth response, and preserve reasonable profit margins.
    11. Operations related to hiring employees.
      Personal information relating to individuals who apply for employment with Sangue, and application documents provided by such individuals, are used for screening job applicants.
      -Application documents are carefully stored within the company, and are not used for any purpose other than employment screening and personnel management after hiring.
      -After screening, application documents of individuals who are not hired are promptly destroyed by shredding.
      *In cases when the purpose of use is communicated separately, information will be used for the reasons stated in such communication.
    12. Implementation of other operations associated with those listed above.
  3. Outsourcing of operations

    In order to carry out its business operations smoothly, Sangue may outsource part or all of its operations, and may provide the body carrying out the outsourced operations with personal information as necessary. In such a case, Sangue will enter into a contract related to the handling of personal information with the outsourcing body, and carry out appropriate supervision, making every effort to ensure the protection of such personal information.

  4. Provision of personal information to third parties

    Sangue will not provide personal information to third parties, except in the following cases.

    1. The agreement of the individual concerned has been obtained.
    2. Provision of the information is necessary to preserve the life, health, assets or other major interests of the provider of the information or the general public.
    3. A request is made for the information based on sound legal grounds.
    4. An enquiry related to a Franchisees Association of Japan store is made to Sangue’s customer center or reservation center.
      In such a case, Sangue’s customer centre will obtain customers’ personal information for the purpose of providing it to the Franchisees Association of Japan store, a separate corporation, and provide personal information to the store based on article 23 paragraph 2 of the Privacy Protection Law. The Franchisees Association of Japan store that receives the personal information will use it only for the purpose of responding to enquiries. Provision of such information will be terminated promptly if the customer so requests.
      -Personal information provided
       Name, address, telephone number, email address, customer feedback
      -Method of information provision
       Telephone, email, sending of printed documents
  5. Joint Use of Personal Information

    In order for Sangue to provide comprehensive services through all of its Japanese subsidiaries and associated companies, Sangue and these companies may share and make use of customers’ personal information, as far as necessary for the carrying out of business operations. Items of information to be jointly used include the customer’s name, address, telephone number, email address, customer feedback and other personal information in general which Sangue possesses. The purposes for which personal information will be jointly used shall be the same as the purposes of use listed above. Personal information will be used for the purpose of making business operations proceed more smoothly. Personal information will not be used for any purpose apart from the purposes of use listed above. Sangue takes full responsibility for the management of personal information.

  6. Indirect acquisition of personal information

    With regard to personal information of business partners etc., personal information may at times be gathered indirectly, to allow business communications, smooth response and the maintenance of reasonable profit levels in business dealings.

  7. Release, modification or suspension of use of personal information

    Upon receiving a request from an individual for the release, modification or suspension of use of that individual’s personal information, Sangue will promptly respond to such request within a reasonable time period.
    There may be a handling charge imposed for the presentation and release of information. Details will be provided upon billing.

  8. Enquiries

    Please send any enquiries regarding the release of personal information etc. to the following address.
    It may take several days to process requests for registration cancellation.

    Copyright and trademarks

    Sangue’s website is protected by treaties and the copyright and trademark laws of Japan. Anybody is free to view the website, but copying etc. of the website’s content is not allowed except in cases permitted under copyright laws.